
I’m Mocchi.
I come from the same ransom as Olga and Wiki and tambè Kali and Cappuchina
They rescued me in March 2022,
I like to be on the roof, because I see the cats and kites that come every day.
I hope I’m going to get confidence and go down, I’m so small that they thought I was a puppy and it turned out I’m small but adult.

I need godparents and madrines to help the Garden with my tenure and veterinary expenses.
If you’re encouraged you can fill the form to support me or send an email to

Formulari d'apadrinaments

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Si t'interessa apadrinar un gat, omple el següent formulari i et contestarem tan aviat com sigui possible.

Sponsor a cat form

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If you would like to sponsor a cat, complete the form below and we will reply as soon as possible.