
Consectetur a sodales dis phasellus imperdiet proin platea cras taciti sed per penatibus at porta condimentum aenean velit a lectus senectus rhoncus lacinia suspendisse suspendisse elementum luctus. A euismod amet nibh a velit natoque magna eu ullamcorper gravida aenean viverra massa lectus a interdum. Id praesent class curae dictum vestibulum ac pretium primis rhoncus hendrerit … Read more


Hi, my name’s Bastet. Hi, my name is Bastet. I came to the pregnant Garden, I was rescued from an area where they built a parking lot I had my puppies and found them home to all I lived in the Garden since 2009, I lived there until 2021, I had a good life. I’m … Read more


I’m Loco, I came to the Garden at the beginning of the project, I was the last in my colony, I fought for four years with a tumour in the intestine, medicated with chemotherapy, I was able to live quality years, but on 31 December 2021 I was accompanied on my last trip. I have … Read more


Hello, I say me Jack. Aabans to live at The Jardinet, lived at at the gardens of a hotel with two gatetes more and the cubs that went being born. The entity went the ones rescuing and donor at adoption until they could us seize for esterilitzar. Everything went well, lived calm at the garden of the hotel and the … Read more