Sponsor a cat form
Foster a cat form
Adopt a cat form
General contact form
If you decide to call us by phone, please leave a voice message with your personal data, telephone and email address in order to contact you as soon as possible.
- For any management, wait for a response, between 24h and 72hrs minimum.
- Telephone: 636 38 21 94 Attention to 18h at 20h – M to F Leave message or WhatsApp. From 6pm to 8pm Monday to Friday, direct telefonica attention. We are all volunteers and we make our work compatible with work, family etc…
- Address: c/Nou de la Rambla 14,bj Barcelona, 08001 Headquarters Entity – No face-to-face attention.
Here you have the different contact forms, for adoptions, receptions, sponsorships, volunteering. Contact by a single channel to avoid multiple and unnecessary work. - For any query, send an email to : eljardinetdelsgats agmail.com .
- It is not served without a prior appointment, we are all volunteers. We ask for patience and empathy in the treatment.
- For emergencies contact 112 or CAACB:
If you have found an animal on the street:Contact with the Urban Guard, or contact 112 : request that they send to the Help Guau team, from the Barcelona Municipal Reception Center CAACB 934 13 21 99 . - We are a small private entity, without shelter and with limited resources that takes care of the street cats and abandoned in an area of Barcelona.
- The responsibility of an animal when it is part of your family is due to its life. If we can guide you or help you, we will, but it will not always be the answer you expected.
- We do not have shelter, the reception cases are limited and the adoptions have fallen, added to the economic cost of veterinarians, food etc… so that our capacity and capacity is very limited. We follow a protocol for the assessment of cases.